A nuestros amigos y familia en CDMX!
La espera por fin terminó… Por primera vez en nuestra ciudad!
MAYAN WARRIOR y MAXA se presentan con sus Art Cars completos en una inolvidable noche en Parque Bicentenario durante la próxima semana del arte.
No dejes pasar esta oportunidad y acompáñanos a vivir esta experiencia inmersiva. La programación musical estará a cargo de invitados sorpresa muy especiales. El viaje nos espera!
PD. La temperatura puede bajar bastante durante invierno en el Parque ya que estamos rodeados de naturaleza, Recomendamos venir muy bien abrigados!
Early Bird $900 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Fase 1 $1,300 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Fase 2 $1,500 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Fase 3 $1,800 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Última llamada $2,000 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Fase 1 $2,500 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Fase 2 $3,000 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Fase 3 $3,500 MXN + 15% cargos Boletia
Última llamada $4,000 MXN 15% cargos Boletia
*Toda la recaudación de este evento será destinada al regreso de los Art Cars a Black Rock City en 2023.*
Contacto: mayanwarrior.rsvp@gmail.com
———— ENGLISH —————
Hello Mexico
We are pleased to announce our Full Art Car fundraiser debut in the city where this incredible idea began
Our debut will be held during Mexico Art Week, the most iconic Latin American Art Fair which will be celebrating its 19th rendition.
Joining us will be our long time friends and Burning Man favorite MAXA
This has been a long time in the making, don’t sit on this! We plan to take our attendees on a very special journey all throughout the
Musical programming will be headed by some very special surprise guests
We can’t wait to share this special evening with our friends and family in our hometown. Home is where the heart is
PS. Since we’ll be surrounded by nature, temperature drops considerably at night during winter at the Park . We strongly suggest wearing warm clothes and a very warm coat or jacket.
Early Bird $900 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Phase 1 $1,300 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Phase 2 $1,500 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Phase 3 $1,800 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Last Call $2,000 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Phase 1 $2,500 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Phase 2 $3,000 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Phase 3 $3,500 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
Last Call $4,000 MXN + 15% Boletia fees
*All proceeds from this fundraiser will be destined to the Art Cars’ return to Black Rock City in 2023.*